5lbs Guatemalan

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    5lbs Guatemalan - Full Medium Roast - Single Origin - Arabica Coffee

    Embark on a journey of flavor with our Fair Trade, Guatemalan Arabica Coffee, a testament to the bold spirit of Crispus Attucks and the rich tradition of Guatemalan coffee craftsmanship.

    Coffee Type: SHB (Strictly Hard Bean), coffee grown between 1,600 and 1,700m
    Processing: Fully Washed
    Harvest Months: November - April


    Life presents moments where boldness is required, akin to Crispus Attucks breaking chains and leading revolutions in Boston. Our medium-roasted Guatemalan boasts a bold taste of earthy cocoa with subtle floral notes. Selectively handpicked coffee cherries undergo pulping on the farms with minor fermentation, followed by natural washing and filtering. Laid to sun dry on raised beds lined with parchment paper, these SHB arabica coffee beans mature slowly at high altitudes, resulting in a more flavorful bean.

    FECCEG (Federacion Comercializadora de Cafe Especial de Guatemala)
    This coffee is a proud member of FECCEG, a second-tier cooperative composed of 12 base cooperatives operating across 6 departments in Guatemala. Founded to establish sustainable economic activities and uplift livelihoods, FECCEG includes over 1,000 smallholder producers, with a third being women. Farming a blend of coffee, honey, and sugar, FECCEG members are committed to Fair-trade and Organic certifications. They champion natural resource sustainability by collaborating with agricultural technicians to create fertilizers from coffee byproducts. The Guatemalan coffee industry, known for its exceptionally high-quality beans, is consistently produced by smallholder farmers at elevated altitudes. Many cooperatives within FECCEG prioritize quality improvement training for farmer members, empowering them to market their coffee as a specialty.

    Drip Tips: Single Cup Instructions
    Unlock the full spectrum of flavors by pre-infusing coffee grounds for 20 seconds.
    15g Ground Coffee + 277g Water
    Brew Time: 3.5 minutes

    Health Benefits
    Rich in disease-fighting antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
    Maximize mood-enhancing benefits with a balanced diet and exercise.

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