5lbs Dope Sunrise Blend

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    5lbs Dope Sunrise Blend - Medium Roast - Arabica Coffee

    Experience the grandeur of our medium roast Dope Sunrise, a blend that transcends ordinary breakfast brews. Crafted with care and precision, this blend is a celebration of excellence, sustainability, and the harmonious flavors of Central American coffee.

    Coffee Type: Specialty Arabica
    Processing: Fully Washed
    Harvest Months: November - April


    Let the lights hit you like a spotlight on stage as Lena Horne takes the microphone, nervously there to break barriers for everyone. Our medium-roasted Dope Sunrise blend is the perfect fusion of bright and earthy Central American coffees, curated to kickstart your day. Handpicked coffee cherries undergo a delicate overnight fermentation for 12-18 hours, followed by a meticulous washing, pulping, and a 12-day sun-drying process on parchment. These SHB/SHG arabica coffee beans, maturing slowly due to altitude, offer a more flavorful bean. Immerse yourself in the beautifully blended duo of Organic Guatemalan and Honduran La Cidra.

    FECCEG (Federacion Comercializadora de Cafe Especial de Guatemala)
    As a part of the second-tier cooperative FECCEG, this coffee is a testament to sustainable practices and community development. Comprising 12 base cooperatives across 6 departments in Guatemala, FECCEG was founded to enhance economic activities and improve livelihoods. With over 1,000 smallholder producers, including a third who are women, farming a mix of coffee, honey, and sugar, FECCEG members are committed to Fair-trade and Organic certifications. They actively promote natural resource sustainability by collaborating with agricultural technicians to produce fertilizers from coffee byproducts.

    The Honduras cherry undergoes a meticulous process at Finca La Cidra, including overnight fermentation, pulping, and a 12 to 18-hour dried fermentation, followed by four thorough washes. Strictly High Grown (SHG) certification specifies the altitude at which the coffee was grown – at 1,200 meters above sea level or higher. This higher altitude, coupled with lower temperatures, results in a slower maturation of the coffee fruit, creating a denser bean.

    Drip Tips: Single Cup Instructions
    Unlock the full flavor potential by pre-infusing coffee grounds for 20 seconds.
    15g Ground Coffee + 277g Water
    Brew Time: 3.5 minutes

    Health Benefits
    Rich in disease-fighting antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
    Maximize mood-enhancing benefits with a balanced diet and exercise.

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