5lbs Ethiopian Dripp

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    5lbs Ethiopian Dripp - Medium Roast - Arabica Coffee

    Indulge in the rhythmic tones of our Ethiopian Dripp Arabica Coffee, a masterpiece from the highlands of East Africa that harmonizes the essence of Hip Hop with the rich flavors of Ethiopian Sidamo beans.

    Coffee Grade: Sidamo, Gr. 2 Classic
    Processing: Fully Washed
    Harvest Months: November - January
    Altitude: 1,500-2,200m above sea level


    Immerse yourself in the vibe of Hip Hop artistry with this single-origin, medium-roasted Ethiopian Sidamo bean. Brew to experience a smooth, clean body with hints of earthy cocoa and a subtle citrus kiss. The meticulous care taken in preparing the Ethiopian Sidamo bean reflects the love for the land and its people, resulting in an exquisite cup profile. Handpicked by farmers and their families, this Sidamo bean undergoes a 24-hour wash, pulp, and fermentation process. Graded in washing channels, it is then soaked in spring water to remove all traces of fermented mucilage and dried under shade on raised beds of parchment for 10-14 days. So, sip slow and vibe with coffee, culture, and hip-hop.

    Sidamo - Designation of Origin
    The Sidamo region in Southern Ethiopia, one of the three trademarked coffee regions alongside Harrar and Yirgacheffe, holds a unique status. Named after the indigenous ethnic group, the Sidama, this region thrives in the lush lands of the Great Rift Valley. Abundant resources allow farmers to practice sustainable intercropping, maximizing land use and providing food for their families. With predominantly traditional farming methods, most farms are organic by default. The exceptional quality of Ethiopian Coffee stems from genetic flavor diversity within the farms and meticulous processing methods, resulting in coffee entirely cultivated, harvested, and dried using manual systems.

    Drip Tips: Single Cup Instructions
    Unlock the full flavor potential by pre-infusing coffee grounds for 20 seconds.
    15g Ground Coffee + 277g Water
    Brew Time: 3.5 minutes

    Health Benefits
    Rich in disease-fighting antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
    Maximize mood-enhancing benefits with a balanced diet and exercise.

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