Pour Over Set

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    Stag [XF] Pour Over Set (30 filters included)

    Elevate Your Pour-Over Experience with the Stagg [XF] Set

    Unlock the art of precision brewing with the Stagg [XF] Pour-Over Set—a must-have whether you're a seasoned coffee connoisseur or a brewing novice. Craft the perfect cup of Dope Coffee with ease, as this set is designed to make up to 20 fl oz of your favorite brew.

    Key Features:
    - Pour-Over Dripper: Achieve the ideal pour-over extraction with the precision-engineered Stagg [XF] Pour-Over Dripper.
    - Double Wall Carafe [XF]: Experience temperature stability and sleek design in the 20 fl oz Double Wall Carafe [XF].
    - 30 Paper Filters: Ensure optimal filtration for a smooth and flavorful cup with the included 30 paper filters.

    The Stagg [XF] Pour-Over Set promises a seamless cleanup process, coupled with a sleek and modern design. Immerse yourself in the pure flavor of your favorite Dope Coffee, crafted with precision and style.

    Elevate your brewing game with the Stagg [XF] Pour-Over Set—an essential bundle that guarantees the perfect pour every time.

    The brewing bundle sure to entertain.

    Stagg [XF] Pour-Over DripperPour Over Dripper  Stagg Double Wall CarafeDouble Wall CarafeStagg Paper Filters[XF] | 30 paper filters


    Easy clean up. Sleek design. 100% Flavor.

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