Sweetened Cold Brew (4pk)

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     4pk - 12fl oz Bottled - Sweetened Tanzanian Cold Brew Coffee

    Keep me ice-cold and ready to drink straight or as a blended latte for a refreshing pick me up. You've never had iced coffee like this. Versatile consumption. Perfect stimulation.  

    Dope Coffee's Sweetened Tanzanian Cold Brew Coffee boasts the original African coffee, brewed with culinary science to extract the citrus acidity and earthy cocoa undertones of the Tanzanian bean. Enjoy a very crisp and smooth taste, with a deep cocoa finish, while still light on the tongue. Excellent black or as a sweetened oat milk latte.

    Manufactured in Decatur, Georgia

    Ships by Wednesday of each week. 


    Nutritional Overview
    12oz coffee - Caffeine 142mg - Potassium - Magnesium - Antioxidants -  Niacin
    Health Benefits
    Best when consumed with a healthy diet and exercise.
    Functions as a pre-workout - mood-enhancing and stimulating.

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