The African Trio

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    The African Trio - An East African Single Origin Experience

    Embark on a flavor expedition with Dope Coffee's African Trio – an exquisite collection showcasing the diverse and rich coffee profiles of Burundi, Ethiopia, and Tanzania. Our commitment to air roasting ensures that each coffee bean from the motherland delivers a full bodied experience.

    African Coffee Selection:
    - 12oz Burundi Kibingo - Medium Roast
    - 12oz Ethiopian Dripp - Medium Roast
    - 10oz Decaf Ethiopian Dripp - Medium Roast
    - 12oz Tanzania Peaberry - Dark Roast

    Unveiling African Coffee Diversity:
    Experience African coffees. The Burundi Kibingo, the lightest of the selection, captivates with its pleasant aroma and stimulating essence, leading to a sweet and invigorating medium profile. Following is the Ethiopian Dripp, offering a medium body, bright citrus notes, and a velvety smooth finish (available in decaf as well!). Completing the trio is the Tanzania Peaberry, a full-bodied dark roasted masterpiece with earthy cocoa richness and captivating floral aromatics.

    Sustainable Origins, Natural Excellence:
    Our commitment to sustainability is at the heart of The African Trio. Sourced directly from the motherland, enjoy coffee that is sustainably grown, and of the best grading quality. Air-roasted to perfection in Atlanta, Georgia, these coffees are a testament to our dedication to East African arabica coffee.

    Brewing Perfection:
    Unlock the optimal flavor with our Drip Tips:
    - Pre-infuse coffee grounds for 20 seconds for the best flavor extraction
    - 15g Ground Coffee + 277g Water
    - Brew Time: 3.5 minutes

    Health and Well-Being:
    Beyond the exquisite taste, The African Trio offers a myriad of health benefits. Rich in disease-fighting antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, these coffees contribute to your overall well-being. Maximize mood-enhancing benefits by complementing your coffee ritual with a healthy diet and exercise.

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